
After preparing the soil, we start planting in the spring of next year and we lay agrofabric on the prepared and scarified rows (reduces water evaporation and protects against weeds).

We cut windows in the fabric of 20 cm (20 x 20 cm) in which we plant bushes upon previous cutting to the height of 20 cm.

Planting date is to be full blossoming of the goat willow.

We bury the whole with sawdusts of thickness of about 10 cm (dusts reduce water evaporation and provide better distribution from sprinklers).

On the saw dust layer we place two sprinkling lines at 10 cm from the plants after planting, and after the first or second year, we separate the lines at 20 cm from the plant and make the windows in agrofabric larger to 25×25 cm.

We should lay sprinkling lines before 10 May. We should use lines of reliable manufacturers known in the world with a capacity of 1.1 L and separation of 30 cm.

From May, we start fertilizing by feeding mediums and watering. We use diffusers (mixers) for watering and fertilizing with a software that will make it easier to properly distribute water with fertilizers in the ground, which in turn will provide strong and large root systems deeply placed in the scarified groove of 90 x 50 cm with a size of about 300 L – we have 4 years from planting to complete this. We should avoid flat root systems – that are difficult to water and feed during the drought.

Before planting, we collect soil samples from scarified rows and sent them for tests for presence of -N- NO3 and NH4 ,Ca ,P, K ,S ,Cl ,Mg ,Na and microcomponents -. Mn ,Zn, Cu ,Br ,Mo ,Fe .We test pH and Ec of soil – this will allow to determine fertilizing.

After planting during the vegetative period, we should analyze the soil solution and test photosynthesis with fluorimeter 3-4 times per year – it is very important to determine a plant’s condition.