Handling blueberry after purchase in the autumn 1. Maintain high moisture of ground in the pot until the winter by watering. 2. After the first frosts and fell leaves, rotate the pot by 180 degrees (place pots on the sides), sprinkle whole pots with a layer of sawdust or...
Stations that should not be used for planting are: Soil with high content of loams or loamy soils – usually these are poisoned soils
Planning and land development consists in: Setting up a plot of land at the center of plantation which should have: water tank that should be of enough size so during the drought, no more than 30% of water in a day can be pumped out from it. If a...
Best for watering and forming mediums is water from ponds, lakes, rivers or ground water. – it is usually a soft water with low mineral content, easy to obtain but rarely available. Usually the deep water is used, which sometimes poses many issues due to the excess of some...
Land and soil preparation consists in: Land evening Setting up rows with traditional method or a tractor fitted with GPS After setting up the rows, we start to scarify them with a mechanical spade like Bivanga of 90 cm width and depth of 50 cm – it is where...
Soil purification is done by introducing ground to the native soil to improve its structure and water-air ratios and we do it on very sandy and clayey soils. The very sandy soils should have a material that will increase its water capacity and the clayey soils need a material...
When choosing the planting material we should pay attention to: A well-developed root system should be brown in the autumn without transparent white roots. Leaves should be dark green, shining, well-nourished and thick. Shoots should be straight, shining, well-nourished and thick. We should avoid seedings with high amount...
After preparing the soil, we start planting in the spring of next year and we lay agrofabric on the prepared and scarified rows (reduces water evaporation and protects against weeds). We cut windows in the fabric of 20 cm (20 x 20 cm) in which we plant bushes upon...
Accessories should be placed in a separated room in the pumping facility. They include: Pehametri soil salinometer for measurements in solutions www.mmm-tech.de, Calibration buffers pH 4 and pH 7 Calibration fluid 2,764 mS, Distilled water Potassium chloride KCL – to prepare a saturated solution to store pH, measuring cylinder...
Major elements for planting: Choice of station. Water source. Arrangement (size of watering sectors fitted to the diffuser, beehive, water tank, pumping facility, road network). Soil preparation – with Bivanga. Planting date. Use of mixers in fertilization with mediums and watering – for small plantation, 6-duct mixer, for large...