Handling blueberry after purchase in the autumn
1. Maintain high moisture of ground in the pot until the winter by watering.
2. After the first frosts and fell leaves, rotate the pot by 180 degrees (place pots on the sides), sprinkle whole pots with a layer of sawdust or compost.
3. Cover the filled pots with a thick agrofabric – protect the fabric against wind by filling the edges with soil or stones.
Multi-cell plant trays should be secured – fill with saw dusts to 20 – 30 cm.
4. In the spring, after the thaw and first frosts (April, May), start planting blueberry.
5. Preparing the station:
a. dig a pit with a diameter of about 60 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm, crush the native soil with spade or hoe – mix with high acid peat of pH 3.5-4.5 in the ratio of 60% of native soil to 40% of peat.
6. Bury the pit with prepared ground and plant the bushes.
7. After planting, cut the bush to the height of about 20 cm from the ground – all shoots.
8. For a higher number of bushes, plant the seedings in rows with a separation of 80-100 cm between each other, and separation of 200 to 250 cm between the rows.
9. Fertilizing the seedings:
a. after planting, pour coated fertilizer around a seeding (within about 15-20 cm) with effect of 3 or 6 months – for acidic plants in the amount of about 15-20g for a plant in the first year, and about 30g in the second year – fill with a thin layer of ground and at the same time provide coated fertilizer like previously, ammonium sulphate of about 15g for a plant in the first year and 20g in the second year.
b. re-fertilize with ammonium sulphate in the mid May.
Note – spread the fertilizers evenly around the seeding!!!
Avoid feeding fertilizers on a point to point basis !!!