Planning and organizing plantation

Planning and organizing plantation

Planning and land development consists in:

  • Setting up a plot of land at the center of plantation which should have: water tank that should be of enough size so during the drought, no more than 30% of water in a day can be pumped out from it. If a deep well is used, a pumping station should be included and the diffuser, a beehive (where a honeybee is the main pollinator of blueberry)
  • Planning road network – it is very important during the quick transport of fruits from plantation to the storage site, especially during hot weather and chronic bad weather.
  • Determining watering section that should be placed on one type of soil, where one section should have one type, which will later facilitate watering by determining watering cycles and fertilizing with culture medium.
  • Watering section at the standard planting truss of 3.2 m x from 0.8 to 1 m should be fitted to the capacity of fertilizing diffuser and have the size of 2 to 2.5 ha for plantation up to 20h, 5 ha for plantation up to 50 ha, 10 ha for plantation up to 100 ha.
  • Each plantation of up to 100 ha should have a water tank, beehive, pumping facility and a mixer – diffuser.
  • When planning large areas of 500 ha and above, it is to duplicate 100 ha plantations.

Example: Water consumption per 1h with the double diffusing line is 22m3/h

  • Always remember about planning for points of planting trees and bushes;
  • Wind protection, especially during the winter.